Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Microcirculation for Maximum Vitality, Health and Longevity

Microcirculation provides vital energy to live life; health and wellness to maintain life; immune function to sustain life; and longevity to retain life! All of these critical life-giving and life-sustaining factors depend on the efficient supply of vital nourishment, oxygen and water to your body’s organs, muscles and tissue. These elements are carried in your blood through your microcirculation system consisting of 18,000 miles of capillaries. However as we continue to age, our tiny capillaries can become narrower, twisted and kinked. Blood cells can become larger and the viscosity of our blood can become thicker. This can rob us of our vital energy and proper nourishment to the billions of cells in our body. It can also reduce the removal of metabolic waste, CO² and environmental toxins that have accumulated.

Each and every minute, your heart beats an average of 72 times. That’s over a 100,000 beats per day, or nearly 38 million times a year, sustaining your life by delivering oxygen and nutrients while also cleansing your body’s trillions of cells. It’s the ability of your blood to travel through the thousands of the miles of blood vessels that determines whether you shall enjoy a vital and healthy longevity or die pre-maturely from heart disease like one of the nearly one million North Americans each year. The reality is that the choice of ignoring circulatory health claims a life every 30 seconds in the U.S. and Canada! This is the moment to make your choice. Commit to learning more and doing more to protect your own circulatory health for you and your loved ones. If you don’t, who will? Some of the most brilliant medical pioneers are dedicating their lives to working in medical research departments and institutes that are now fully dedicated to the study of microcirculation.

Today it is now clearly understood that the single most common thread to pre-mature death is impaired microcirculation. A very clear conclusion of the research that was shared at a recent conference by Dr. Rui-Juan Xiu from the Institute of Microcirculation reported “There is almost no disease which has no relation to the microvascular field.i” The experts all agree that improving your microcirculation is essential for you to enjoy a long and healthy life. Entire medical journals are now dedicated to the topic of microcirculation, including one simply called “Microcirculation”. The conclusions are profound, liberating and supportive of the medical fact that “genetics may load the gun, but diet and lifestyle pull the trigger.” Controlling your diet and lifestyle is a great place to start when it comes to statistically improving your circulatory health and overall vital wellness. But a good diet is not enough when your quality of life and longevity are in the balance as the scientific evidence has now shown.

Don’t allow yourself to be lulled into a false sense of security like the hundreds of thousands of people that die each year believing that all they needed was great cholesterol. There are more than seven cardiac disease risk values and they have one thing in common, they all affect your life-giving microcirculation:
• Total Cholesterol
• HDL (good cholesterol)
• LDL (bad cholesterol)
• VLDL (very bad cholesterol)
• Apolipoprotein A
• Homocysteine
• C-Reactive Protein

The solution is simple, controlling these vital-aging factors will:
• Decrease the stickiness of your blood.
• Optimize the size of your red blood cells.
• Increase and protect your existing microcirculation.
• Heighten your level of antioxidant protection.

Each of these vital-aging factors can be accomplished with a healthy diet and lifestyle, augmented with scientifically researched natural medicine approaches. These should include herbal supplements found in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) that can help enhance the quality of your blood, plus ‘reflected energy’ that can help increase microcirculation in targeted areas like the head, neck, shoulders, elbows, wrists, lower back, knees and feet.

Contrary to what most people believe, heart disease should not be considered a “male” disease. In 1996 alone, 52.7% of all female deaths were circulatory related compared to 47.3% for men. This also equates to more deaths from circulatory issues than the next 16 causes of death combined. Your circulatory health is absolutely the best investment you can make statistically. It is “a sure thing” when it comes to feeling better, having more energy and vitality, and living healthier longer.

There is not a single living cell in your body that doesn’t rely on microcirculation for sustenance. Indeed, microcirculation can be equated to watering a garden plot. Without it the garden won’t grow and will fail to survive; and certainly not thrive. The vast majority of the vital functions of circulation occur within the 18,000 miles of your microcirculation network of capillaries in your body. These capillary blood vessels can be so thin that it takes 10 of them to equal the width of a single human hair. In fact they are so narrow that your red blood cells which deliver the life-sustaining oxygen can only pass through them single file, hence making the size of your red blood cells a critical factor. An adult will weigh on average 120-220 pounds, yet it is at the microscopic level that they truly exist. In just 2-3 drops of blood for instance, there is over a billion life-sustaining red blood cells that provide vital nourishment through the ultra-thin capillary walls.

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